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Covid positive - Message reçu de notre adhérent Franck Espi

Covid positive - Message reçu de notre adhérent Franck Espi

Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

Je vous délivre ci-dessous et tel quel, un message reçu hier de notre adhérent Franck Espi sur notre site Internet. Bonne réception . Amicalement. Gilbert. Webmestre.

Hier après-midi j'ai commencé à avoir des symptômes. Je suis allé ce matin en pharmacie me faire tester ... je suis positif.
Au cours de ces 2 semaines, je ne suis venu qu'au cours de ce mercredi soir (13/04). A cette occasion j'ai uniquement discuté quelques minutes avec Roger Saguy ... je l'ai prévenu.
J'espère ne l'avoir transmis à personne.
Franck ESPI


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Fardousa, 22, who has been a sex worker for three years, sits in a dark room <br /> shaded by red curtains in a bullet-ridden apartment building in Mogadishu's Wardhigley district.<br /> The rash extends to your foreskin: Being a wee bit brutal with masturbation or sex will certainly make the foreskin and the helmet <br /> go red like any other skin. The rash sometimes sends my foreskin underneath all red as well which <br /> goes after a day. A lot of my sensation is gone, as well.<br /> During the trip and afterwards I had a lot of <br /> pain in the area between the scrotum and the anus.<br /> You need to relax the sphincter muscle of the anus - the muscle you squeeze when you <br /> need to have a bowel movement but have to wait - to receive anal sex.<br /> Appearance of the penis: From what you describe, I would need more detail, <br /> it sounds normal. Or is there a more compelling <br /> reason for an investment in one or more specific digital tokens?<br /> Once the penis is inside the anus, any thrusting should start <br /> only after the penis has ‘rested’ there for a while.<br /> At the start of the year she did not believe that President Putin would <br /> order his men deeper into Ukraine, with such brutal consequences.